Properties and Uses



The Standard Malaysian Name for the timber of Campnosperma spp. (Anacardiaceae). The timber is a light hardwood with a density of 320–560 kg m-3 air dry and an average density of 432 kgm-3 air dry. The sapwood is not clearly defined from the heartwood, which is bright pink when fresh and takes on a grey tinge on exposure. Texture is fine and even, with interlocked grain. The timber is weak (Strength group D) and as such, is not recommended for general construction purposes. It is easy to resaw and cross-cut. Planing is easy but the planed surface is rough and woolly with considerable picking up of the grain. Nailing property is rated as excellent. Seasoning properties vary with species and results obtained from tests conducted in the FRIM, Kepong, are summarised in the table below:



Time to air dry (months)

(Green to air dry)



13 mm