Properties and Uses



The Standard Malaysian Name for the heavy timber of Fagraea spp. (Loganiaceae). The timber is a heavy hardwood with a density of 640–1075 kg m–3 air dry. The sapwood is not differentiated from the heartwood, which is light yellow-brown, darkening on exposure to deep golden or orange-brown. Texture is fine and even, with straight to slightly wavy grain. The timber is strong (Strength group B). It is easy to resaw and cross-cut. Planing is easy and the planed surface is smooth. The nailing property is rated as good. The timber seasons extremely slowly, with only slight end-checking and surface-splitting as the main sources of degrade. 13 mm boards take approximately 5 months to air dry, while 38 mm boards take 16 months. Shrinkage is fairly low, with radial shrinkage averaging 1.1% and tangential shrinkage averaging 1.6%. The timber is durable and is difficult to treat with preservatives.

USES: The timber is suitable for heavy construction, bridges, wharves, heavy duty flooring, parquet flooring, panelling, heavy duty furniture, wooden mathematical instruments, drawing boards and butchers' blocks. It has an excellent reputation as a carving timber.

Vernacular names applied include tembusu (P.M., Sab. and Sar.) with various epithets, banati (Sab.), meriang (P.M.), temasuk (Sab.) and various other localised names too numerous to be listed here. Major species include F. belukar, F. cuspidata,. F. fragrans, F. gigantea, F. resinosa, F. rugulosa, F. spicata, F. teysmannii and F. volubilis.