Properties and Uses



The Standard Malaysian Name for the timber of Dillenia spp. (Dilleniaceae). The timber is a medium hardwood with a density of 675–820 kg m–3 air dry. The sapwood is lighter in colour than and merges gradually into the heartwood, which is red-brown, sometimes with a purplish tinge and darkens on exposure. Texture is coarse and uneven, with straight to shallowly interlocked grain. The timber is strong (Strength group B). It is fairly easy to resaw and cross-cut. Planing is easy to fairly easy and the planed surface produced is smooth. The nailing property is rated as poor. The timber dries moderately slowly, with cupping and splitting as the major defects. 13 mm boards take approximately 4 months to air dry, while 38 mm boards take 5 months. Shrinkage is high, with radial shrinkage averaging 2.2% and tangential shrinkage averaging 3.9%. The timber is non-durable under exposed conditions, being subject to attacks by powder-post beetles and termites. It is, however, amenable to preservative treatment.

USES: The timber has an attractive silver figure and is suitable for sliced veneers, interior finishing, panelling, parquet flooring, furniture manufacture and strip flooring.

Vernacular names applied include simpoh (P.M., Sab. and Sar.) with various epithets. Major species include D. borneensis, D. excelsa, D. grandifolia, D. pulchella and D. reticulata.