Properties and Uses



The Standard Malaysian Name for the timber of Tetramerista spp. (Tetrameristaceae). The timber is a medium hardwood with a density of 625–800 kg m–3 air dry. The sapwood is lighter in colour than and not always clearly defined from the heartwood, which is pink-brown, weathering to light brown. Texture is moderately coarse but even, with straight, interlocked and sometimes spiral grain. The timber is very strong (Strength group A). It is easy to saw and work. Planing is easy although the surface produced is only moderately smooth to rough. The nailing property is rated as good. The timber dries moderately fast but is prone to a large amount of seasoning degrade like bowing, end-checking, splitting, surface-checking and staining. 13 mm boards take approximately 2.5 months to air dry, while 38 mm boards take 4 months. Shrinkage is very high, with radial shrinkage averaging 3.2% and tangential shrinkage averaging 4.5%. For kiln-drying, Schedule C is recommended. The timber dries fast without much degrade, except for thicker sections, which are prone to surface-checking and end splitting. 25 mm boards take approximately 7 days to kiln-dry from 50 to 10% moisture content. The timber is only moderately durable under exposed conditions and its amenability to preservative treatment is rated as average.

USES: The timber is suitable for all forms of heavy construction under cover, posts, beams, joists, rafters, heavy duty furniture, heavy duty flooring and railway sleepers (treated).

Vernacular names applied include entuyut (Sar.), kayu chelega (Sar.), kayu hujan (Sar.), kayu tangiran (Sar.), samondu (Sab.), suyut (Sab.), tuyot (Sab.) and tuyut (Sab.). Only one species is of importance in this country, viz. T. glabra.