Properties and Uses



The Standard Malaysian Name for the timber of Lophopetalum spp. (Celastraceae). The timber is a light hardwood with a density of 480–640 kg m-3 air dry. The sapwood is not clearly defined and is generally lighter in colour than the heartwood, which is light yellow or light yellow-brown when dry and pink when freshly cut. Texture is fine to moderately fine and even, with interlocked grain. The timber is only fairly strong (Strength group C). It is easy to saw and works very well and the planed surface produced is smooth. The nailing property is poor. The timber seasons very rapidly but is prone to end-checking, splitting, surface-checking and some insect attacks during seasoning. 13 mm boards take 1 month to air dry, while 38 mm boards take 1.5 months. Shrinkage is fairly high, especially in the radial direction. Radial shrinkage averages 2.4% while tangential shrinkage averages 3%. The timber is non-durable.

USES: The timber is suitable for interior finishing, panelling and partitioning, furniture manufacture, veneers and plywood, boxes and crates. Perupok can also be used for the manufacture of mathematical instruments.

Vernacular names applied include dual (Sab.), kerueh (P.M.) and tinjau tasek (Ph.). Major species include L. floribundum, L. javanicum, L. multinervium, L. pallidum, L. subobovatum and L. wightianum.