Properties and Uses



The Standard Malaysian Name for the light timber of Heritiera spp. (Sterculiaceae). The timber is a medium hardwood with a density of 625–895 kg m–3 air dry. The sapwood is usually lighter in colour than and not always sharply defined from the heartwood, which is red, red-brown to dark red-brown. Texture is slightly to moderately coarse but even, with straight to shallowly interlocked grain. The timber is strong (Strength group B). It is difficult to saw and is slightly difficult to plane. However, a smooth finish can be produced. Nailing property is rated as good. The timber seasons fairly rapidly with slight cupping, end-checking and surface-checking as the main defects. 13 mm boards take 2 months to air dry, while 38 mm boards take 3 months. Shrinkage is high, radial shrinkage averages 1.5% while tangential shrinkage averages 3.4%. For kiln-drying, Schedule D is recommended and 25 mm boards take approximately 7 days to kiln-dry. The timber is non-durable in exposed conditions and is susceptible to lyctus beetle attacks. The timber is, however, easily treated with preservatives.

USES: The timber is suitable for plywood manufacture, flooring, interior finishing, furniture, panelling, general planking and glue-lamination.

Vernacular names applied include mengkulang (P.M.) with various epithets, jambu keluang (Ml.), kembang (Sab.), melabu (Sar.) and melima (P.M.). Major species of the timber include H. albiflora, H. aurea, H. borneensis, H. globosa, H. javanica, H. simplicifolia and H. sumatrana.