Properties and Uses



The Standard Malaysian Name for the timber of Pentace spp. (Tiliaceae). The timber is a light hardwood with a density of 530–755 kg m–3 air dry. The sapwood is yellow or light straw-coloured and is moderately sharply defined from the heartwood, which is brown with a red or pink tinge or red-brown. Texture is moderately fine and even with shallowly to deeply interlocked grain. The timber is only fairly strong (Strength group C). It is slightly difficult to difficult to resaw and is easy to slightly difficult to cross-cut. Planing is easy to slightly difficult and the quality of finish is generally smooth but the green material shows some grain pick-up in the radial direction. The nailing property is rated as good. The timber seasons fairly slowly with very few defects. Slight bowing, twisting, end-checking and staining are the main sources of degrade. 13 mm boards take 3.5 months to air dry, while 38 mm boards take 5 months. Shrinkage is moderate, radial shrinkage averages 1.4% while tangential shrinkage averages 2.5%. The timber is only moderately durable and is very difficult to treat with preservatives.

USES: The timber is suitable for interior finishing, panelling, superior joinery, furniture manufacture, flooring and other light construction.

Vernacular names applied include balong ayam (P.M.), baru (Sar.), janda baik (P.M.), kebal ayam (P.M.), kempayang hantu (P.M.), melunak (P.M.) with various epithets, pinang baik (P.M.) and takalis (Sab.) with various epithets. Major species include P. adenophora, P. curtisii, P. laxiflora, P. macrophylla and P. triptera.