Properties and Uses



The Standard Malaysian Name for the timber of Albizia splendens (syn.: Pithecellobium splendens) (Leguminosae). The timber is a light hardwood with a density of 465–850 kg m–3 air dry. The sapwood is white or light brown in colour and is sharply defined from the heartwood, which is light red-brown and darkens on exposure to a deep shade of brown. Texture is moderately coarse but even, with slightly interlocked and sometimes wavy grain. The timber is strong (Strength group B). It is easy to resaw and cross-cut. Planing is easy and the planed surface is smooth and lustrous. Nailing property is rated as good. The timber seasons fairly slowly with only slight end-checking and splitting and moderate insect attacks as the main sources of degrade. Boards of 13 mm thick take 3.5 months to air dry, while boards of 38 mm thick take 4.5 months. Shrinkage is extremely low. Radial shrinkage averages 0.6%, while tangential shrinkage averages 0.9%. The movement of seasoned timber is classified under Type III. The timber is moderately durable under exposed conditions and the sapwood is highly susceptible to powder-post beetle attacks. The timber is moderately difficult to difficult to treat with preservatives.

USES: The timber is suitable for furniture manufacture, high-class cabinet work, interior finishing such as panelling and partitioning, carving and rotary cut veneers.

Vernacular name for the timber is kungkur throughout the country.