Properties and Uses



The Standard Malaysian Name for the timber of Koompassia malaccensis (Leguminosae). The timber is a medium hardwood with a density of 770–1120 kg m–3 air dry. It has been reported that the material from Sabah and Sarawak is much denser than the material from Peninsular Malaysia. The sapwood is white or pale yellow and is sharply defined from the heartwood, which is pinkish when fresh and darkens to a bright orange-red or deep brown. Texture is rather coarse but even except in areas where included phloem occurs. Grain is interlocked, often very interlocked. The timber is extremely strong (Strength group A). It is slightly difficult to resaw and easy to cross-cut when green but is difficult to resaw and slightly difficult to cross-cut when dried. Planing is easy in both conditions and the quality of the surface ranges from smooth to rough. Nailing property is rated as poor. The timber seasons fairly slowly with very few defects except for insect attacks in the sapwood. 13 mm boards take approximately 2 months to air dry, while 38 mm boards take 4 to 6 months. Shrinkage is on the high side with radial shrinkage averaging 2.0% and tangential shrinkage averaging 3.0%. For kiln-drying, Schedule E is recommended and 25 mm boards take approximately 8 days to kiln-dry. Degrade is mainly in the form of spring although surface-checking and end-splitting may occur in thicker specimens. Splitting can be severe in areas where included phloem occurs. The timber is moderately durable, being subject to termite attacks. The timber is, however, very easy to treat with preservatives.

USES: The timber when treated with preservatives is suitable for all heavy constructional works, posts, beams, joists, bridges, wharves, railway sleepers and power transmission poles. Untreated, the timber is suitable for structures under cover, parquet and strip flooring, panelling, rotary peeled veneers and charcoal manufacture. It is also a favourite timber for timber pile manufacture.

Vernacular names applied include impas (Sab.) and menggris (Sar.). This is a monospecific timber.