Properties and Uses



The Standard Malaysian Name for the timber of Pometia spp. (Sapindaceae). The timber is a medium hardwood with a density of 735–915 kg m–3 air dry. The sapwood is lighter in colour than and not sharply defined from the heartwood, which is pink, red or red-brown. Texture is moderately coarse but even, with straight or shallowly interlocked grain. The timber is moderately strong (Strength group C). It is easy to work when green but is slightly difficult to work when dried. Planing is easy in either condition and the finish of green boards is smooth while the finish in dried boards is rough. Nailing property is rated as good. The timber seasons fairly slowly but with very minor degrade. Slight cupping, bowing and end-checking are the main sources of degrade. 13 mm boards take approximately 3 months to air dry, while 38 mm boards take 5 months. Shrinkage is rather high, radial shrinkage averages 2.8% while tangential shrinkage averages 3.5%. The movement of seasoned timber is classified under Type III. The timber is moderately durable under exposed conditions and is very difficult to treat with preservatives.

USES: The timber is suitable for furniture manufacture, tool handles, plywood, heavy duty flooring and interior finishing like mouldings and skirtings.

Vernacular names applied include kasai (P.M., Sab. and Sar.) with various epithets, datanut (Sab.), enselan (Sar.), rapanah (Sar.), sibu (Sar.) and silak (Sar.). Major species include P. pinnata (including f. alnifolia) and P. ridleyi.