Properties and Uses



The Standard Malaysian Name for the timbers of Madhuca utilis, Palaquium ridleyi and P. stellatum (Sapotaceae). The timber is a heavy hardwood with a density of 820–1200 kg m–3 air dry. The sapwood is yellow-brown to purple-grey-brown and is sharply defined from the heartwood, which is red-brown to purple- or chocolate-red-brown. Texture is moderately fine and even, with straight or shallowly interlocked grain. The timber is strong (Strength group A). It is slightly difficult to difficult to resaw, easy to slightly difficult to cross-cut. Planing is slightly difficult but the planed surface is smooth. Nailing property is rated poor. The timber seasons slowly with moderate end-checking, splitting and surface-checking as the major sources of defects. 38 mm boards take approximately 6 months to air dry. Shrinkage is high, radial shrinkage averages 2.8% while tangential shrinkage averages 4%. The kiln-drying properties of bitis have not been evaluated. However, based on the physical properties as well as the air drying properties of the timber, it is envisaged that the timber is fairly difficult to dry. A mild schedule (e.g. schedule B) should therefore be used. The timber is durable and is very difficult to treat with preservatives.

USES: The timber is suitable for all forms of heavy construction, bridges, wharves, piers, piling, posts, railway sleepers, parquet flooring and heavy flooring.

Bitis is essentially a Peninsular Malaysian name and in Sabah and Sarawak, the timber is not differentiated from the lighter species and they are sold together as nyatoh. Other vernacular names recorded include belian (P.M.) and seminai (P.M.).