Category :   

Local Name :    Sentang
Family :    Meliaceae



Major species: A mono-specific timber

General Characteristics

Sapwood: Straw coloured; sharply differentiated from heartwood. Heartwood: Red brown. Texture: Slightly coarse and uneven due to the tendency towards ring-porous structure; grain interlocked. Weight (Air-dry): Wood moderately hard to heavy , ranging from 42-48 lb/cu.ft. with an average of 45 lb/cu ft. Durability: Moderately durable; sapwood liableto be attacked by sap-stain fungus.


Growth rings present and conspicuous due to the tendency for a ring-porous arrrangementof the vessels, but the timber is not a true ring-porous wood. Vessels moderately large in the early wood zone and medium-sized outside; moderately few; mostly solitary in the early wood zone and solitary and in radial groups of 2-3 outside; tyloses absent and deposits present, black and gum-like. Wood Parenchyma scarce; apotracheal in terminal bands and paratracheal as narrow vasicentric borders to the vessels. Rays moderately fine, not conspicuous on the radial surface due to lack of contrast with the fibre ground mass. Ripple marks absent. Intercellular canals of the traumatic type recorded once, filled with the dark gum-like deposits.

Other Features

Lather test negative .


The timber is suitable for hight class joinery works, furniture manufacture, interior finishing, panelling, partitioning, sliced ceneers, flooring, fancy articles and turneries.