Category :   

Local Name :    Nyatoh kuning
Family :    Sapotaceae



Major species: Planchonella maingayi (Clarke) van Royen; Pouteria malaccensis (Clarke) Baehni. Other species: Planchonella glabra (Ridl.) Lam; P. obovata (R. Br.) Pierre; Pouteria pauci-nervia Erlee.

General Characteristics

Sapwood: Not differentiated from the heartwood. Heartwood: Cream-white to light yellow. Texture: Moderately fine and even; grain straight or shallowly interlocked. Weight (Air-dry): Wood moderately hard and moderately heavy to heavy ranging from 43-61 lb/cu.ft. with an average of 50 lb/cu ft. Durability: Not tested but expected to be of the durability of Nyatoh, i.e. durable when used under cover but perishable when exposed to agent of decay.


Growth rings visible, demarcated by layers of denser fibres in the wood, usually without the layers of wood parenchyma. Vessel moderately few to moderately numerous, medium-sized; in radial groups of 2 to 8 or more, with the some groups in two radial chains; tyloses absent; deposit absent. Wood Parenchyma abundant, apotracheal, in narrow regularly and closely spaced bands. Rays very fine, not visible to the naked eye; not conspi. Ripple marks absent. Intercellular canals absent.

Other Features

Lather test Planachonella spp. produce a slighter lather while Pouteria spp. do not.
