Species Intsia bijuga (merbau ipil), I. palembanica (merbau)
General Characteristics Sapwood sharply differentiated from heartwood; colour of heartwood orange-brown or brown or dark red-brown weath¬ering to darker shades; planed surface with¬out lustre except the lighter coloured woods which are moderately lustrous; with stripe figure (made-up of alternating layers of darkerand lightercolours)on radial surface and zig-zag markings produced by wood parenchyma on tangential surface; texture coarse but even; grain interlocked and of¬ten wavy; moderately hard or hard to cut across grain; air dry density ranging from 515 to 1040 kg/m* (32 to 65 lb/Immoderately durable when exposed to severe condi¬tions. grain interlocked and often wavy; moderately hard or hard to cut across grain; air dry density ranging from 515 to 1040 kg/m³ (32 to 65 lb/ft³); moderately durable when exposed to severe conditions.
Growth rings present, demarcated mainly by terminal layers of wood parenchyma Vessels with simple perforation; moderately large or very large; very few or few mostly solitary with some radial pairs and multiples of threes; evenly scattered without any arrangement; tyloses not common; sulphur-yellow and dark-coloured deposits characteristic.
Other Features
Burning splinter test: Splinter burns to ash.