Category :    Light Hardwoods

Local Name :    Light Red Meranti
Family :    Dipterocarpaceae



General Characteristics

Sapwood lighter-coloured and distinct from heartwood; colour of heartwood light-red or pink-brown; planed surface lustrous: stripe figure on radial surface and subtle but attractive speckles on radial surface; texture rather coarse but even; grain interlocked and wavy; soft or moderately hard to cut across grain; air dry density ranging from 385 to 755 kg/m³ (24 to 47 lb/ft³) averaging 544 kg/m³ (34 lb/ft³); not durable in contact with the ground or exposed positions.


Similar to dark red meranti except that horizontal canals may occur in some species. Differentiated from dark red meranti by the lighter colour, lower density and the less pronounced appearance of the resin canals on longitudinal surfaces.

Other Features

Burning splinter test: Splinter mostly burns to charcoal (this feature has been found to be rather inconsistent with the species). Froth test : Negative.
* only the light coloured varieties of these timbers are included.
