Category :   

Local Name :    Kembang semangkok
Family :    Sterculiaceae



Major species: Scaphium linearicarpum (Mast.) Pierre; S. macropodium (Miq), Beumee ex Heyne. Other species: S. longiflorum Ridl.; S. scaphigerum (G.Don) Guibourt et Planch.

General Characteristics

Sapwood: Not distinct, only lighter in shade. Heartwood: Yellow brown to light brown. Texture: Slightly coarse and uneven because of the broad rays and wide layers of wood parenchyma; grain straight or shallowly interlocked. Weight (Air-dry): Wood soft to moderately hard and light to moderately heavy, ranging from 32-47 lb/cu.ft. with an average of 36 lb/cu ft. Durability: Moderately durable but susceptible to sap-stain fungus and powder post beetle attacks.


Growth rings dinstinct, demarcated by layers of terminal parenchyma, producing a very pleasing figure on the tangential longitudinal surface. Vessels medium-sized to moderately large, few to fairly few, solitary and in radial groups of 2 to 3, rarely 4, often with a tendency to tangential arrangement. Vessel open. Wood Parenchyma abundant, visible to the naked eyes with paratracheal parenchyma appearing as border around the vessels of varying thinckness, sometimes aliform and locally confluent; the apotracheal parenchyma appearing as farily broad bands which stimulate growth rings. Rays of two distinct sizes, the larger rays being very broad and conspicuous, the smaller rays being fine and only visible with a lens; the fine rays are storeyed. The ray pattern on the tangential longitudinal surface is characteristic and reminisence of mosquito-netting. Ripple marks present but indistict due to storeying of the fine rays and fibres. Intercellular canals of traumatic type present occasionally.

Other Features

Lather test negative .


The broad rays and the terminal bands of parenchyma produce a very attractive figure, making the timber very suitable for interior finishing, panelling, furniture manufacture, fancy veneer, whether rotary cut or sliced. In Thailand, it has been succesfully used in the manufacturer of match splints.