Category :   

Local Name :    Kayu malam
Family :    Ebenaceae



Major species: Diospyros buxifolia (Bl.) Hiern; D. maingayi *Hiern) Bakh.: D. pendula Hassk. Other species: D. foxwothyii Bakh.; D. latisepala Ridl.; D. malaccensis Bakh.; D. polyalthioides Korth. ex. Hiern.

General Characteristics

Sapwood: Very variable among the different species, ranging from yellow white to brown, with intermediate shades of pink, pink brown, grey brown and light brown. Heartwood: Most samples examined don not show any heartwood development and this may be due to the tress being too small. Those that show heartwood development have dark grey black or black streaked hearwoods. A center core of jet black colour may also develop in some of the bigger trees. Texture: Very fine or fine, producing a very smooth planed surface; grain straight or shallowly interlocked. Weight (Air-dry): Wood moderately hard to hard and moderately heavy ranging from 39-60 lb/cu.ft. with an average of 52 lb/cu ft. Durability: Not tested, but reports of tests done elsewhere have indicated that the coloured heartwood and corewood is durable. the ligher coloured part of the wood is liable to be attacked by sap-stain fungus and powder post beetles.


Growth rings not observed. Vessels a few to moderately numeorus, very small to small in a few species but medium sized in the others; mostly in radial pairs or group of 3, 4 or as in some species up to 8. Wood Parenchyma abundant in narrow, closely and regularly spaced apotracheal bands. Rays very fine and not visible to the naked eye. inconspicuous on the radial surface. Ripple marks absent. Intercellular canals absent .

Other Features

Lather test some species produce a slight lather .
