Category :    Medium Hardwoods

Local Name :    Kasai
Family :    Sapindaceae



General Characteristics

Supwood generally lighter-coloured and fairly well defined: colour of hearhvood light red-brown or red-brown; wcaihcring to a darker shade of red-brown; planed surface modcraicly lustrous; often with vague stripe figure on radial surface; texture moderately coarse and even; grain


Growth rings. Vague concentric marking produced by terminal layers of wood parenchyma may be visible on end surface.
Vessels with simple perforation; medium-sized to moderately large; few in number; few solitary, others in radial groups; the radial group generally of 2 to 3 but occasionally 3 to 8; each such group consisting of a large pore with a tail-like appendage of 4 to 8 small pores; pores scattered without any arrangement; tyloses present but not abundant; deposits characteristic, orange-brown in colour.
Wood parenchyma of both apotracheal and paratracheal types; paratracheal paren¬chyma as narrow borders to the pores and the apotracheal as concentric terminal bands.
Rays very fine; not visible to naked eye on cross-section; not prominent on a radial surface.
Ripple marks absent.
Intercellular canals absent.

Other Features

Burning splinter test: Splinter burns to ash.
Froth test: Positive (froths profusely).
