Category :    Light Hardwoods

Local Name :    Bintangor
Family :    Guttiferae



General Characteristics

Sapwood lighl pink-brown in colour and distinct from hearlwood; colour of heart-wood pink-brown, orangc-rcd or red-brown; planed surface very lustrous; stripe figure on radial surface and dark-coloured zig-zag markings on tangential surface; (exture coarse and uneven; grain interlocked, spiral or wavy; moderately hard locul across grain; air dry density ranging from 465 lo 865 kg/m1 (29 to 54 lb/flJ) averaging 688 kg/m3 (43 Ib/ft^); not durable if exposed to the weather or in contact with the ground except the species of C. retusum which is classified as moderately durable.


Growth rings present produced by terminal layers of wood parenchyma.Vessels with simple perforation; medium-sized .moderately large or occasionally very large; exclusively solitary and arranged in bunches, radially oblique fesioons or Hare-like pattem; tyloses sparse and occasionally abundant; gum-like deposits sparse. Wood parenchyma abundant; apoiracheal type as widely spaced concentric bands visible to the naked eye. Rays very fine, not visible lo (he naked eye; not prominent on a radial surface. Ripple marks absent. Intercellular canals absent.

Other Features

Burning splinter test: Splinter bums to ash. Froth test: Negative.


The timber is suitable for light construction, flooring, panelling, joist, furniture manufacture, decorative solid door, decking, boat construction, diving boards, veneer and plywood manufacture and wooden pallet. In several regions, the wood is much sought after for masts, spars, bridge work and scaffolding.