Category :    Heavy Hardwoods

Local Name :    Tembusu
Family :    Loganiaceae



General Characteristics

Sapwood not differentiated from heartwood by colour; colour of heartwood white or yellow-brown when freshly cut, weathering to a light orange-brown; planed surface lustrous; flat-sawn surface with light coloured zig-zag markings produced by wood parenchyma; texture ranging from moderately fine to moderately coarse; grain slightly interlocked and often wavy; moderately hard or hard to cut across grain; air dry density ranging from 640 to 1075 kg/m³ (40 to 67 lb/ft³); durable even under severe conditions of exposure.


Growth rings absent.
Vessels with simple perforation; medium-sized to moderately large; few or moder¬ately few, in variable proportions of solitary and radial multiples of 2 to 7; evenly distributed without any arrangement; tyloses sparse to abundant (when present) as shiny films; without deposits.
Wood parenchyma as closely and regularly spaced bands with tendency to form confluent bands.
Rays fine and not visible to the naked eye; not prominent on a radial surface.
Ripple marks absent.
Intercellular canals absent.

Other Features

Burning splinter test: Splinter burns to ash.
Froth test: Negative.
