Category :   

Local Name :    Surian batu
Family :    Meliaceae



Major species: A mono-specific timber

General Characteristics

Sapwood: Light yellow brown or pink brown, sharply differentiated from the heartwood. Heartwood: Light red brown or red, darkening to dark red-brown on exposure. Texture: Moderately fine and uneven due to the continuous layers of terminal parenchyma; grain interlocked and sometimes wavy, producing a roe figure. Weight (Air-dry): Wood moderately hard and moderately heavy, ranging from 39-49 lb/cu.ft. with an average of 45lb/cu ft. Durability: Moderately durable under exposed conditions.


Growth rings present and distinct, demarcated by layers of terminal parenchyma and zones of darker coloured fibres. Vessels moderately small; moderate numerous; mostly in radial groups of 2-3, with occassional clusters; tyloses rare and deposits common. Wood Parenchyma moderately abundant, visible to the naked eye; apotracheal type appearing as narrow terminal bands and narrow irregularly spaced concentric bands; paratracheal type appering as narrow borders to the vessels. Rays moderately fine and not conspicuos. Ripple marks absent. Intercellular canals absent .

Other Features

Lather test negative .


The timber is equivalent to the famous ''Indian wood'- chirassy, whick is highly prized as high-class cabinet wood. The timber is suitable for interior finishing, panelling, moulding, fancy furniture, sliced veneer, boat decking, flooring and fancy articles. the timber is also suitable for heavy and medium construction under cover.