Category :    Light Hardwoods

Local Name :    Sesendok
Family :    Euphorbiaceae



General Characteristics

Sapwood not differentiated from heartwood by colour, wood bright yellow with a subtle greenish tinge, weathering to a straw colour, planed surface lustrous; without figure; texture coarse but even; grain spiral, interlocked or wavy; soft to cut across grain; air dry density on an average 528 kg/m³ (33 lb/ft³); not durable.


Growth rings absent but occasional concentric layers of denser tissue may produce concentric markings.
Vessels with simple perforation; moderately large in size; few in number, few as solitary, predominantly in radial pairs and multiples of 2 to 7 in a series and occasional clusters; arrangement radial; tyloses and deposits absent.
Wood parenchyma as regularly spaced apotracheal bands (about the diameter of a vessel apart); visible to the naked eye on cross-section.
Rays fine but visible to the naked eye on cross-section; not prominent on a radial surface.
Ripple marks absent.
Intercellular canals absent.

Other Features

Burning splinter test: Splinter burns to ash.
Froth test: Negative.
