Category :   

Local Name :    Sentul
Family :    Meliaceae



Major species: Sandoricum koetjape (Burman f.) Merr. Other species: S. emarginatum Hiern.

General Characteristics

Sapwood: Light yellow brown with a pick tinge, gradually merging into the darker coloured heartwood. Heartwood: Pink to red. Texture: Moderately fine to slightly coarsea and even; grain interlocked and sometimes wavy. Weight (Air-dry): Wood soft to only moderately hard, light in weight, ranging from 27-36 lb/cu.ft. with an average of 31 lb/cu ft. Durability: Not durable under exposed condition.


Growth rings present but not always apparent, demarcated by narrow layers of terminal parenchyma. Vessel medium-sized; moderately few; solitary and in radial paris, rarely in group of 3; tyloses scarce, anda deposit present and dark-coloured. Wood Parenchyma moderately abundant; apotracheal type occuring as occasional narrow terminal band; paratracheal type occuring as occasional narrow terminal bands; paratracheal type occuring as vasicentric and aliform with local confluence. Rays moderately fine and not conspicuous on the radial surface. Ripple marks absent. Intercellular canals of the traumatic type recorded once, filled with dark gum-like deposits.

Other Features

Lather test: negative.


The timber is suitable for light construction under cover, furniture components, wooden sandals, packing cases and buthers' block.