Category :   

Local Name :    Penaga
Family :    Guttifereae



Major species: A mono-specific timber.

General Characteristics

Sapwood: Pale yellow or light pinkish brown, sharply different from heartwood. Heartwood: Red brown to dark red brown. Texture: Fine and even; grain interlocked or spiral. Weight (Air-dry): Wood very hard and very hard ranging from 59-74 lb/cu.ft. with an average of 68 lb/cu ft. Durability: Result from recent grave-yard test indicates that penaga is only moderately durable and ist is liable to be attacked by termites. Previous tests and reports from other countries indicated a much greater durability.


Growth ring: absent. Vessels few to moderately numerous, medium-sized; almost excluseively solitary, but arranged in oblique rows of 2 or 3 forming festoon; tyloses and deposits absent. Wood Parenchyma abundant; apotracheal in regularly spaced and narrow bands. Rays very fine and not visible to the naked eyes. Not conspicuous on radial surface. Ripple marks absent. Intercellular canals of the vertical type reported in one sample of the Kepong Collections.

Other Features

Lather test negative .


The timber suitable for all forms of heavy construction, heavy-duty furniture, parquet flooring, posts and tools handles. In India, this timber has been used successfully as a railway sleepers.