Category :   

Local Name :    Minyak berok
Family :    Polygalaceae



Major species: Xanthophyllum affine Korth. ; X. amoenum Chodat; X. obscurum Benn.; X. scortechinii King; X. stipitatum Benn. Other species: X. griffithii Hk.f. ; X. kunstleri King; X. rufun Benn.; X. sulphureum King.

General Characteristics

Sapwood: Not differentiated from the heartwood. Heartwood: White to bright yellow when freshly cut, but darkening to a strong orange yellow colour. Texture: moderately coarse and uneven; grain straight. Weight (Air-dry): Wood hard to very hard, heavy to heavy ranging from 37-60 lb/cu.ft. with an average of 55 lb/cu ft. Durability: Not durable when used in contact with the ground, however will be fairly durable if protected from dry wood termite attacks.


Growth rings present but hard to discern, demarcated by bands of fibres without wood parenchyma. Vessel few, medium-sized to large, mostly large; exclusively solitary with a strong tendency to be arranged tangentially; tyloses absent but dark coloured gum-like deposits occassionally present. Wood Parenchyma abundant but both paratracheal and apotracheal forms present. Paratracheal form occur as vasicentric, alirom and confluent bands; the aliform parenchyma consisting of narrow wings which extend tangentially; the apotracheal parenchyma consists of narrow and irregularly spaced bands which are interrupted. Rays very fine, not visible to the naked eye; not conspicuous on the radial surface. Ripple marks absent. Intercellular canals absent.

Other Features

Lather test produces a slight lather .


The timber is suitable for medium or heavy construction, which is temporary or protected from attacks by drywood termites. Also suitable for panelling, parquet flooring, planking and plywood manufacture. The timber has also been successfully used for the manufacture of blockboards.