Category :   

Local Name :    Mertas
Family :    Linaceae



Major species: A mono-specific timber.

General Characteristics

Sapwood: Not sharply differentiated from the darker coloured heartwood. Heartwood: Brown or red-brown. Texture: Moderately fine and even; grain interlocked and sometimes wavy. Weight (Air-dry): Wood hard and heavy, ranging from 50-58 lb/cu.ft. with an average of 54 lb/cu ft. Durability: Test result showed that the timber is only moderately durable but other reports indicate that the timber may be more durable than that.


Growth rings not apparent. Vessel numerous, medium-sized, exclusively solitary; occasionlly filled with cream-coloured deposits; tyloses sometimes present; scalariform plates present but very hard to discern with a hand lens. Wood Parenchyma sparse, not visible to the naked eye; both paratacheal and apotracheal type present. Paratracheal type as narrow, sometimes incomplete borsder around vessels and occasionally developing into the aliform type. Apotracheal type as hort diffuse strands bridging rays. Rays fine, just barely visible to the naked eye; not conspicuous on the radial surface. Ripple marks absent. Intercellular canals absent .

Other Features

Lather test produce slightly lather.


The timber is suitable for medium construction, posts, beams, joists, marine constructions, parquet flooring, heavy duty flooring, power transmission poles and heavy duty pallets.