Category :    Light Hardwoods

Local Name :    Melunak
Family :    Tiliaceae



General Characteristics

Sapwood lighter-coloured but not sharply defined; heartwood pink-brown, light red-brown or red-brown in colour; planed surface without lustre; strioe fieure on radial surface: texture moderately fine and even; grain interlocked; moderately hard to cut across grain; air dry density ranging from 530 to 755 kg/m³ (33 to 47 lb/ft³) averaging 656 kg/m³ (41 lb/ft³); moderately durable if exposed to the weather or in contact with the ground.


Growth rings Concentric markings simulating growth rings often present. Vessels with sample perforation; medium-sized; moderately few or moderately numerous or numerous (generally moderately numerous); as solitary, radial pairs and multiples of up to 4 (or rarely more) and occasionally clusters; in some cases the solitary vessels less than those in groups and in others, more; diffuse without any arrangement; tyloses generally present; white-coloured deposits occasionally present.
Wood parenchyma both paratracheal and apotracheal: the paratracheal type as incomplete borders, barely visible with a lens and occasionally aliform or locally confluent: apotracheal parenchyma as occasionally irregularly spaced, broken or con¬tinuous bands as well as diffuse strands or short tangential lines extending from ray to ray.

Other Features

Burning splinter test: Splinter burns to ash.
Froth test: Negative.
