Category :    Softwoods

Local Name :    Dammar minyak
Family :    Araucariaceae



General Characteristics

Sapwood not differentiated from heartwood by colour, wood light-yellow or straw-coloured, often with a pink tinge, weathering to a gold-brown or light pink-brown; occasionally with a darker-coloured core which is distinct from the outer layers; planed surface fairly lustrous; tangential faces generally with growth ring figure; without odour; not resinous; texture fine and even; grain generally straight; soft to cut across grain; air dry density about 464 kg/m³ (29 lb/ft³); not durable.


Growth rings present but not clearly demarcated, boundaries indicated by a narrow layer of dense late wood which is not very sharply differentiated from early wood. Vessels absent.
Tracheids individually visible with a lens.
Wood parenchyma absent.
Rays very fine; not visible to the naked eye: not prominent on a radial surface. Intercellular canals absent.

Other Features

Burning splinter test: Splinter burns to ash.
Froth test: Negative.
