Category :   

Local Name :    Bekak
Family :    Meliaceae



Aglaia malaccensis (Bekak), A. ridleyi (Bekak), A.rubiginosa (Bekak), A.lanceolata (Bekak), A.maingayi (Bekak), A. rubescens (Bekak).

General Characteristics

Sapwood: Light yellow or grey pink, moderatley to sharply differentiated from hearwood. Heartwood: Brick red or dark red when fresh, darkening to dark red brown when drying . Texture: Moderately fine to slightly coarse, and even; grain interlocked or irregular. Weight (Air-dry): Wood moderately hard to hard, moderately heavy or heavy ranging from 40-63 lb/cu.ft. with an average of 48lb/cu ft. Durability: Moderately durable to durable.


Growth rings absent. Vessels moderately numerous, small to medium sized; solitary and in radial groups of 2 to 4; tyloses absent; deposits abundant and white, yellow or dark coloured. Wood Parenchyma variable, some specimens seen with very scanty parenchyma while others have abundant parenchyma of the aliform type with narrow irregularly spaced bands. Rays not visible to the naked eyes and not conspicuous on the radial surface. Ripple marks absent. Intercellular canals absent .

Other Features

Lather test negative .


The timber is suitable for light to medium constructions, boat decking and planking, heavy duty flooring, parquet flooring and power-line posts when treated.