Flora Of Peninsular Malaysia Series II: Seed Plants, Volume 2 Malayan Forest Records No. 49 Editors: R Kiew, RCK
Chung, LG Saw, E Soepadmo & PC Boyce Code: MFR49(2) 2011 235 pp RM100/USD75 (postage not
included) ISBN: 978-967-5221-53-8 Abstract: Volume
2 is devoted to two subfamilies of the Apocynaceae,
namely, Apocynoideae with 21 genera and 55 species
and Rauvolfioideae with 14 genera and 57 species.
Both subfamilies include indigenous species that are important ornamental
plants. Keys for the genera and species are provided. For species,
conservation and distribution maps are given together with an overview of the
conservation of these two subfamilies. Representative species are illustrated
by botanical line drawings and colour photographs. |