Forest Records No. 48: Flora of
Peninsular Malaysia―Series I: Ferns and Lycophytes. Volume 2 Editors: BS Parris, R Kiew, RCK Chung & LG Saw Code: MFR48(2) 2013 243 pp RM100/USD60 (postage not
included) ISBN: 978-967-5221-94-1 This book accounts for the lycophyte and fern families in
Peninsular Malaysia. It includes descriptions and keys for the identification
of families, genera and species. There are also conservation status,
distribution maps, illustrations and colour
photographs of species. The fern families covered are Dipteridaceae,
Lygodiaceae, Plagiogyriaceae,
Parkeriaceae, Hypodematiaceae,
Nephrolepidaceae, Oleandraceae,
Davalliaceae and Polypodiaceae
encompassing 26 genera and 107 species. |