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Flora Of Peninsular Malaysia Series II: Seed Plants, Volume 3

Malayan Forest Records No. 49


Editors: R Kiew, RCK Chung, LG Saw & E Soepadmo

Code: MFR49(3)


385 pp

RM100/USD60 (postage not included)

ISBN: 978-967-5221-73-6


The Flora of Peninsular Malaysia Series II provides revisions for seed plant families that occur in Peninsular Malaysia. Volume 3 includes revisions of one gymnosperm family (Cycadaceae) and 9 families of dicotyledons, namely Chrysobalanaceae, Cleomaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Juglandaceae, Lecythidaceae, Magnoliaceae, Nepenthaceae, Ochnaceae and Olacaceae. Conservation status and distribution maps are provided for 123 indigenous species of these 10 family accounts. Representative species are illustrated by botanical plates and colour photographs.


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